Welcome to ✨ACTIVATE with Kara-Leah

This seven-week programme offers a framework to apply to any project you are currently birthing into manifestation - whether that's a business, a creative project, a new you, or a transition in your life.

This framework was initially developed by Kara-Leah using the seven-chakra system of yoga in 2019. She has since refined and tweaked the framework to now offer it as ✨ACTIVATE. 

You can buy the programme at any time as a Self-Directed Course, and/or watch out for the live Immersions that Kara-Leah offers a few times every year. 

If you struggle to know what to DO to bring your brilliant idea to life - this is the programme for you.  Do the practices, apply the frameworks, listen to the teachings, and receive wrap-around support from Kara-Leah via the support group. 

If you have any questions - email Kara-Leah directly.

Practices + Frameworks + Teachings

Join Kara-Leah in this seven-week journey designed to support you to bring YOUR project to fruition using the descending current of manifestation.

  • Practices

    Every week there are different practices offered to activate that week's theme. Most of the practices are somatic-based & are designed to give you a direct experience of the week's theme. Every day, you do that week's practice & let it work its magic on you.

  • Frameworks

    The seven-week programme is the master framework you'll learn to work with, plus there are other frameworks included for use within the master framework. You can then take whatever you are birthing into the world, and keep using the frameworks as required.

  • Teachings & Support

    Learn how to cultivate your power of will, intention & manifestation in practical and applied ways. Discover what practical magic is and how to apply it to daily living, including to your business and creative projects. Receive real-time support from Kara-Leah in the Telegram Group.


your guide & mentor

Self-Directed Course

All pricing is in 🇨🇦 CAD$. If you buy the Self-Directed Course and later decide to sign up for a Live Immersion, you will receive a discount on the Live Immersion.

  • $247.00

    Regular price

    Buy Now
  • Instalment Plan

    Instalment Plan • 3 x $108

    Buy Now

✨ACTIVATE with Kara-Leah

Your Questions Answered

  • Do I need to have a specific creative project I'm working on?

    No, you don't. Sometimes the creative project that people work with is themselves, or their life. You're going to learn a framework that you can apply time and time again, and you'll also receive direct mentoring designed to support you in unlocking your potential and blasting through your blockages.

  • What's the difference between the Self-Directed Course & the Live Immersion

    The framework, themes, practices, teachings and support group are all the same. However, on the Live Immersion you ALSO receive weekly webinars with Kara-Leah that include personal mentoring for each participant. You can start the Self-Directed Course at any time, whereas Live Immersions only run a few times a year.

  • Is there are Support Group for the Self-Directed Course?

    Yes, there is. There is one Telegram Support group that Kara-Leah now uses for all participants of ✨ACTIVATE, whether the participant is on the Self-Directed Course, or a Live Immersion. When you sign up, you'll see information on how to join the Telegram Support Group in the first Chapter and Lessons.

  • How much does ✨ACTIVATE cost?

    The Self-Directed Course is $297NZ, and instalment plans are available. Kara-Leah runs Live Immersions with weekly webinars a few times every year. Those who have already bought the ZSelf-Directed Course receive a discount on the Live Immersions. If you've already completed a Live Immersion, you also receive a substantial discount to go through a second or third time.

  • When does ✨ACTIVATE start?

    If you're on the Self-Directed Course, you can start anytime. When Kara-Leah launches a Live Immersion, she adds the dates in here.

  • When are the webinars?

    Weekly webinars are only included in the Live Immersions. These are scheduled according to the availability of the first people who sign up for the Live Immersion. They usually take between 2 - 3 hours each week.

  • Are the Live Immersion webinars compulsory?

    Yes, they are. The core of this programme is individually tailered, small-group mentoring which you access primarily through the weekly webinars, and also through the Telegram support group. This creates the most powerful container possible for the work to unfold. Of course, sometimes life happens and people can't make a webinar - in which case I ask everyone to let me know if they're going to miss a webinar, or be late. Ideally, everyone shows up every week. There's a LOT to the group dynamics and group learnings.

Your ✨ACTIVATE Journey

  • 1


    • ✨ Welcome to ACTIVATE

    • ✨How to Navigate ACTIVATE • Self-Directed or Live Immersion

    • ✨ TASK • Introduce Yourself on Telegram

  • 2


    • ✨ THEME • On Surrender & Union

    • ✨ PRACTICE • Awareness of Your Project

    • ✨ Dharma Talk

    • ✨ PRACTICE • A Somatic Inquiry into Surrender

    • ✨ TASK • Explore & Contemplate Surrender

    • ✨ PRACTICE • An Embodied Inquiry Into Co-Creation as a Precuser for Union

  • 3


    • ✨ THEME • Vision & Intention

    • ✨ PRACTICE • Vision & Intention

    • ✨ PRACTICE • Vision Meditation • 12 minutes

    • ✨ PRACTICE • Visioning Journey • 15 minutes

    • ✨ PRACTICE • 20 Year Vision Meditation • 11 minutes


    • ✨ FRAMEWORK • State Change & The Scale of Consciousness

  • 4


    • ✨ THEME • Communication & Expansion

    • ✨ PRACTICE • Communication & Expansion • Practice

    • ✨ TASK • Be Mindful of Your Words & Curious About HOW You Speak

    • ✨ PRACTICE: Statements of Intent

    • PRACTICE • Expanded and Contracted Awareness

  • 5


    • ✨ Theme • Collaboration and Connection

    • ✨ PRACTICE • Connection & Collaboration • Cave of the Heart

    • ✨ Dharma Talk

    • ✨ Default Core Relational Patterns & Desired Core Relationship Patterns

    • ✨ TASK • Brainstorming Connections & Collaboration

    • ✨ PRACTICE • Entering The Cave Of The Heart (Short 4 mins)

  • 6


    • ✨ THEME • Action & Adventure

    • ✨ PRACTICE • Descending Current to Third Chakra Practice

    • ✨ TASK • Choose & Activate a Talisman

    • PRACTICE • Opening the Gates of the Heart and Solar Plexus

  • 7


    • ✨ Theme • Joy & Pleasure

    • ✨ PRACTICE • Variation of the Golden Column Practice

    • PRACTICE • Cake Savouring Meditation

    • PRACTICE • Golden Column Meditation

  • 8


    • ✨ Theme • Gratitude & Devotion

    • ✨ Gratitude & Devotion Practice

    • ✨ Dharma Talk

    • ✨ PRACTICE • Equality Of All Phenomenon Meditation

    • PRACTICE • Blessings on the Goddess

  • 9

    WEEK 8 ✨ NOW WHAT?

    • ✨ Theme • Now What?

  • 10

    ✨Resources ✨

    • Playlists • Money Mastery

  • 11

    ✨ Bonus Tasks ✨

    • TASK • Your Perfect Day & Week

    • BONUS TASK • Declutter & Reorganise

    • BONUS PRACTICE • Deep Listening Practice

    • BONUS PRACTICE • What is the quality of this Moment before you have a Thought about it?


From people who have been in containers with Kara-Leah

I feel like a new person!

Eliza • ✨ ACTIVATE

'Packed with powerful teachings and tools, this is a very fluid programme to best suit our individual needs and our journey as a group at any moment. The level of support that Kara-Leah has provided has been great, no matter what showed up, she was there to guide us through it, and use everything as an opportunity to learn and grow, individually and as a group. Kara-Leah has infused the event with lightness and fun, which has made the hard work very enjoyable and the event very engaging. My relationship with myself is much stronger, I feel more empowered and clearer about my future, and I have gained tools and practices that I can now use to support myself as my journey continues. I feel like a new person! Highly recommended!'

Kara-Leah is a skilled guide on the path

Sandi • ✨ ACTIVATE ✨

'I've loved the connection with others and the emotional processing sessions which really helped me to shift ‘stuff’ I didn’t seem able to shift myself. It's hard to describe the concrete changes, but there was always a shift, a change, an ‘ah ha’ moment even if I wasn’t expecting it. Even a few days later shifts would happen! Kara-Leah is a skilful guide along the path.'

I love Kara-Leah's wholeheartedness approach

Jem • Ancestral Trauma Healing Intensive

'I love Kara-Leah's exquisite and potent ability to hold, lead and teach something like this. I love her wholeheartedness approach to helping us through this mahi, individually and as a collective. The way she is able to share her wisdom with honesty and integrity, and make it applicable to each student and where they are at is incredible. My lens has been blown open, every day feels magical...even when life presents its challenges. I can see yet another perspective, that is allowing me to unhook from the story and actually get in and do the mahi needed, to continue a path of (slowly but surely) un-conditioning, healing and transformation. Creating a strong foundation and grounds to walk upon, to be of good and honest service to the world around me. On a personal level, my anxiety has eased and I feel a sense of courage that I have not felt before, enabling me to stay present in times of dis-comfort that I would usually freeze/leave. In presence, I am noticing that I turn to the tools Kara-Leah has shared, to unravel, see the truth and bring compassion towards the situation. Compassion to both myself and others who maybe involved...every time this leads to fair solution, love and peace.'

Clarity and Assertiveness

Rut • Sāhanā

'I loved the support and gentle guidance, and the community/family feel. The webinars really give you enough time to share and feel heard and seen. The structure is more inviting than most online guided self-development courses, where your participation is more punctual and short. I've gained more clarity and assertiveness in my business and life. Better boundaries and more focus. A determination to make the best and appreciation of my own skills and knowledge. Trust in my inner guidance, thanks to the tools I learned in this course.'

I was continually challenged constructively

Sarah • Ancestral Trauma Healing Intensive

'Kara-Leah guides with a simplicity that only ever comes from years of experience and authentically "walking the talk" and her insight continually challenged constructively and continued to move me on.'

Every single person made a breakthrough

Holly • Ancestral Trauma Healing Intensive

'I loved the time and space to simply feel what was coming up, and the guidance from Kara-Leah on how to work through it. And I LOVED watching every single person make a breakthrough over our time together.'

Supportive, like-minded Community

Tania • Sādhanā

'I loved the well-structured content, easily accessible, clear instructions from KL, time to check in on calls & be held by a supportive like-minded community, unconditional love shared with all, WhatsApp chat, ongoing support even post immersion.'

✨ACTIVATE • Self-Directed Course

Available Now via Installments

Your Mentor & Guide

Direct Realization Yoga Teacher & Mentor

Kara-Leah Grant

Kara-Leah is a much-loved Direct Realization Yoga Teacher & Mentor. Her path with yoga began in the late 1990s, and she started teaching in 2006. She trained with Shiva Rea, completing her 200HR TT with Shiva in 2011. Kara-Leah has impacted millions of people over the last decade through her articles, books, videos and teaching. She practices and guides people in an integrated householder path of spirituality that has emerged from her decades of practice, study and self-study. This path is primarily influenced by Trika Shaivism. Kara-Leah's path focuses on knowing the self, resolving trauma and patterns, and rejoicing in daily life. She lives in Canada, with her teenage son, and is the author of three books.