💛 Want Mental Clarity, Ease of Movement, Increased Energy & Deeper Relaxation? You Need a Daily Practice 💛

I've been in daily practice for 16 years, including completing a 1000 Day Sādhanā. I've helped thousands of people show up to their daily practice. Now it’s your turn. Let me show you how to make practice part of your day, because life is never going to get any less busy, or any less complicated. I'll teach you all the hacks and Jedi mind tricks that make showing up for daily practice easeful, joyful, and a total delight. And then sit back and watch your life transform…

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Everything you need to unlock the power and benefits of daily practice

A brief word from Kara-Leah, your guide, facilitator and teacher

💛 Daily Practice Can Be Lonely

Come and journey with Kara-Leah in an intimate, interactive, responsive and relational Immersion. I’m with you every step of the way, listening, mentoring, holding you accountable and creating the content based on your needs. You can share your challenges and your successes, your problems and your joys. Join the community, because if you care about daily practice, this is where you belong.

  • Feel heard, seen and and understood on the journey of daily practice

  • Feel accountable to the group, and your buddy

  • Get the support and resources to determine the best practice for your life circumstances

  • Enjoy an experienced teacher & practitioner walking alongside you every step of the way

  • Discover new teachings that can radically shift your experience of daily practice

Find out More

Ready to realise your Heart's Desire? Click here to find out all the details, including how to apply.

💛 What's Included on Your Sādhanā Journey

Everything you need to establish and maintain a daily sādhanā during and beyond this six weeks. It's not information-based - it's relationship-based. It's about your relationship with your practice, your relationship with yourself, and your relationship with Kara-Leah and the community. No - this is not your average online Course! It's wrap-around mentoring and support from Kara-Leah and the sādhanā community that could benefit you for a lifetime.

  • Weekly Webinars with Kara-Leah • Connect, share and ask questions about your practice and the process

  • Weekly Live Transmissions from Kara-Leah • Tune in live or watch the recordings for View teachings that support your daily sādhanā

  • Telegram Group Support • Share or ask questions in Telegram and receive support from Kara-Leah & the Community

  • Practice Library • Choose from audio, video and text practices

  • Forty Days of Yoga • Receive an electronic copy of Kara-Leah's book Forty Days of Yoga

  • View Teachings • Access teachings relevant to daily sādhanā practice, lovingly curated as the Immersion unfolds

  • Accountability Buddy • Every participant is paired with an accountability buddy to support their sādhanā process

  • Community • Feel held, supported and a sense of belonging in the Sādhanā community with a group of people who get your journey.

Choose the Pricing Option Best for Your Budget 💛

What's it worth to have everything you need to show up to daily practice, no matter what? (Priced in $NZ)

💛 Why Forty Days?

When you nail a daily practice EVERYTHING changes. You’re showing up for yourself, no matter. You’re telling yourself that YOU matter. You’re building discipline, and trust in yourself. You’re stepping into integrity. And you’ll feel connected to yourself, to your life, and to the people around you. Best of all, you’re developing presence - and that’s a game changer.

  • Retrain your body and brain to automatically practice every day, no matter what

  • Prove to yourself that you can do it. You just needed the right support.

  • Showing up for yourself every day will have spillover benefits in the rest of your life. You'll sleep better, eat better, move better, feel better.

  • Your energy will improve, your mental clarity will improve, your life will improve. Just from showing up for yourself for 11 minutes a day.

Working with Kara-Leah

April Pirie • Vocal Coach

"Kara-Leah put together a 12 week programme specifically focussed on my needs. I find it hard to articulate how valuable those 12 weeks were for me. Each week brought on huge shifts in me. Kara-Leah guided my sessions based on how I was showing up at that time, rather than measured by a preconceived marker of how I should be showing up. She provided me with follow-up emails, and content that related to our sessions so that I could get the most out of the program. By the end of the 3 months I had built a website, applied to host a vocal workshop at my favourite summer festival, and I had clarity on how to start stepping out into the world."

Heather • Ignite Your Career Programme

"Thank you so much for all the goodness you bring! I love that it felt magical from the moment I noticed Ignite Your Career on Facebook. The course was seamless and I felt your commitment to me from the get go. Your commitment flowed on to my commitment to show up fully and to the commitment of the whole group maintaining a high level of integrity. I really needed this at a time when I've felt quite lost or isolated in letting my true self come forward in a business-minded way. I loved the way it all evolved. The focus and attention I felt you gave us was 100%, sacred, respectful, honest and encouraging. You have a gift at helping to transform the blockages and I am so grateful for that. I feel the magic created on this course and the connections made here are for life."

Donna Swart • The Great Create Retreat

"I have ticked off my 3 tasks for this weeks and it felt in flow and “almost too easy”…so I’m noticing that and feeling a strong feeling of power and grace and alignment like never before. The Great Create was divine timing and the most delicious way to bask in the beautiful life we are all creating, knowing I’m not alone and in the “hard stuff” of LIFE, I’ve also found the ease and trust in the process. Kia kaha."

What People Say

Testimonials from people who've worked with Kara-Leah

Your program has changed my life in the most wonderful way

Mark Wuff

“I completed my 40th consecutive day of yoga today. I am so grateful. Your program has changed my life in the most wonderful way. The changes in me, physically, mentally, emotionally, have been amazing."

Some of the deepest, most transformational inner exploring and healing I have done.

Paul Mattocks

"The inner work I have done with Kara Leah has been some of the deepest, most transformational inner exploring and healing I have done. It is with a sense of ease that I allow my-self to dive as deep as is required, simply because I can feel her there with me, every step of the way and knowing that someone 'has your back' and is holding space for you with full awareness and intention, allows an unfolding of the layers within, to get to the heart of the issue. I couldn't recommend her more.”

I finally figured out that all the answers, motivation, tools and methods were at my fingertips

Kate Robinson

"For years, I couldn't get myself to commit regularly to any form of exercise, or healthy eating to support it, or even to mental self-care. Nothing helped, no number of self-help books or meditation books or anything else. Through your worksheets, I finally figured out that all the answers, motivation, tools and methods were at my fingertips. I have a home practice that challenges me, that motivates me, and that I believe will last a lifetime."

An unbridled presence and honesty.


"Kara-Leah holds space with both compassion and an unbridled presence and honesty. She is generously sharing the process of guided self enquiry with her students, as a genuine desire to help many."

Real, enlightening & grounding

Tania Lavcanski

"Working with Kara-Leah has been refreshing, as she respects where her students are at, and lets that guide the way - there was absolutely no judgment, just acceptance. The space she holds is like a cocoon. It is nurturing, safe, loving, raw, real, enlightening, and grounding."

Her kindness and wisdom add profoundly to these ancient teachings

Anneliese Kuegler

"Kara-Leah guides and holds the space of learning and practice with such lovely grace. Her kindness and wisdom add profoundly to these ancient teachings as she makes them relevant and accessible to all people and all bodies."

💛 Tempted?

But like to know more?

  • How much time does this Immersion require?

    The focus of the Immersion is to support you to practice every day. You'll need at least 11 minutes a day for that. Plus allow three hours a week for the Live Transmissions and Recording. Other than that, it's totally up to you. You can engage in the Course Material as much, or as little as you like. You can engage with the Telegram Group as much or as little as you like. When you register, you'll receive an email with all the details on how to block out time in your calendar so you get the most out of this Immersion.

  • When are the Weekly Webinars and What if I can't make them Live?

    Thursdays at 7:30pm NZ time. These are recorded and so you can watch them back later. You can also use the Telegram Group to ask your questions, or do a share for the webinars. Kara-Leah will answer your questions or respond to your share in the webinar live. If enough people sign up for this Immersion, Kara-Leah will schedule a second weekly webinar at a complementary time for other time zones.

  • When are the Live Transmissions?

    Generally, these happen on Mondays at 1 pm, NZ time. You can either join Live, and so ask questions. Or watch the Recordings later. The Transmissions are usually between 20 - 40 minutes long.

  • Can I pay in instalments?

    Yes, you can pay over three months. Make sure you click the Sign-Up button for Instalment plans.

  • Do I need to know what to practice?

    No - Kara-Leah will be supporting people to determine what the best practice for them will be for this sādhana. Your practice might be asana, dance, journalling, meditation, chanting or a combination.

  • Can I email you my questions?

    Yes, you can. Use the email link under my bio below.

Meet your Teacher & Guide

Author of Forty Days of Yoga • Successfully completed a 1000 Day Sādhanā

Direct Realization Yoga Teacher & Mentor

Kara-Leah Grant

Kara-Leah is a much-loved Direct Realization Yoga Teacher & Mentor. Her path with yoga began in the late 1990s, and she started teaching in 2006. She trained with Shiva Rea, completing her 200HR TT with Shiva in 2011. Kara-Leah has impacted millions of people over the last decade through her articles, books, videos and teaching. She practices and guides people in an integrated householder path of spirituality that has emerged from her decades of practice, study and self-study. This path is primarily influenced by Trika Shaivism. Kara-Leah's path focuses on knowing the self, resolving trauma and patterns, and rejoicing in daily life. She lives in Canada, with her teenage son, and is the author of three books.