
Join me for Weekly Emotional Digestion Process Session

In these 90-minute sessions, a Member of the Toolbox community (one per session) will be led through a process to devour, digest and dissolve old emotional patterns and belief systems (samskara and vikalpa). Other members are encouraged to attend the session and hold space. Often those who are holding the space experience insights and healing by simply bearing witness to what is unfolding. These sessions will be led by Kara-Leah and the upcoming graduates of the Emotional Digestion Process Training. 

Course curriculum

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    Welcome & Instructions

    • What is the Emotional Digestion Process?

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    Dharma Talks from the Process Sessions • 2023

    • DHARMA TALK • February 9, 2023 • The Process of Digestion with an Emphasis on Grief

    • DHARMA TALk • Nothing to Fix or Heal, Everything to Meet. Working with Self-Judgement During a Process

    • DHARMA TALK • March 2 • Using Desired Reality as an Access Point

    • DHARMA TALK • Using a Process to Map Defense Mechanisms and Disidentify From Them

    • DHARMA TALK • Loving Whatever Shows Up

    • DHARMA TALK • Surrendering Control

    • DHARMA TALK • April 13

    • DHARMA TALK • When It's Scary to Be Who You Are

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    • Am I Feeling Their Stuff or Mine? Is it ok to 'Piggyback' on Someone Else's Process?

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    • ARTICLE • Christopher Wallis on Understanding energy leaks; or, Seven Ways to keep your Mojo

    • ARTICLES • Christopher Wallis on Samskāra Theory & Energy Healing

Find out more about Membership

The Emotional Digestion Process Sessions are ONLY available as part of the The Toolbox Membership. If you're not yet a member, you can join for just $29/month and receive Emotional Digestion Process Sessions PLUS all the additional benefits.

Who is Kara-Leah?

Direct Realization Yoga Teacher & Mentor

Kara-Leah Grant

Kara-Leah is a much-loved Direct Realization Yoga Teacher & Mentor. Her path with yoga began in the late 1990s, and she started teaching in 2006. She trained with Shiva Rea, completing her 200HR TT with Shiva in 2011. Kara-Leah has impacted millions of people over the last decade through her articles, books, videos and teaching. She practices and guides people in an integrated householder path of spirituality that has emerged from her decades of practice, study and self-study. This path is primarily influenced by Trika Shaivism. Kara-Leah's path focuses on knowing the self, resolving trauma and patterns, and rejoicing in daily life. She lives in Canada, with her teenage son, and is the author of three books.